There may be times when external companies offer to provide a mental health initiative (such as mindfulness, coaching initiatives, REBT, ‘wellbeing’ strategies) that they say will help support the health and wellbeing of your staff. But how do you know whether this initiative is worth the money, will do what they say it will, and whether they have the right kind of qualifications to safely provide this initiative? If your company endorses the wrong kind of input for your employees, this could open you up to all sorts of risks, at best may have no effect and at worst may even inadvertently lead to harm.
We can support you by reviewing the proposed initiative and provider, to determine:
What is the evidence base for this intervention? (is there any evidence that it is effective and under what circumstances)
Is it recommended for the type of difficulty it claims it can address?
Do the providers have the correct qualifications and liability to provide this input?
Is this intervention likely to help, or are there any risks it could inadvertently cause harm?